RXPX® — It all started here at HB
By working with some of the top minds in both business and medicine, we pioneered the world's first Pharmacy Patient Experience program, known as RXPX®.
The RXPX® program works in conjunction with the RDOM® program and connects patients to resources, education and tools designed to help the patient thrive on their therapy.
A Value Proposition
Better Outcomes at a Lower Cost
From the beginning, Heritage Biologics was designed to be different, a solution to a lingering question: “Should a prescription medication simply equal a reimbursable transaction, or a desired health outcome?”
Learn how we are using data through our proprietary care management program to improve patient outcomes while simultaneously lowering plan spending!

Therapies & Conditions
- Hemophilia & Bleeding Disorders
- Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIG)
- Subcutaneous Immune Globulin (SQIG)
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Migraines
- More
KC Chamber of Commerce - Top 10
What our Patients Say
Thank you and everyone at Heritage Biologics for being here for us and walking with us through the challenges of Myathenia Gravis. We are so grateful for your staff and the people in the Financial Assistance Dept. Life is much easier with you in it. The staff that speaks to my husband to check up on him and those that order supplies are always so friendly and caring. This means so much to us!
I thank God for how wonderful you guys have been, you are so organized and have been so helpful.
Thank you to the entire team that helped with my epi-pen; I was able to save over $70.
I am very happy with the service I have received so far. I called my previous provider and told them that they should send their patients your way because of your customer service and the level of care I received through the first few calls with you.
I feel so comfortable doing this therapy knowing that I have you guys on the other end of the phone. I even saved your number in my phone so I could call you in a pinch. I really appreciate your help.
The education you put out on Antiphospholipid Syndrome was awesome, better than any education that I have found.
What our Provider Partners Say
Heritage is the best! We appreciate you driving early in the morning to get our patient his factor dose before his surgery.
You guys are the greatest! We are very thankful for you.
Heritage is one of the best pharmacies we’ve ever worked with.
Great communication! We appreciate the hard work your team puts in to make things happen.
You handle the intake process as quick as I’ve ever seen. We will be sending more patients over because of how easy you are to work with.
I love the clinical snapshots. They are amazing for continuity of care.